Why nothing seems to work!
Is your skin prone to both break outs and sensitivity?
Tried many different brands, only to return to where you started?
Used everything the doctor, the influencer and the internet advocates, yet your skin does not agree?
My understanding, confirmed time and again is this:
More is not better. Compatibility is greater than ‘good’.
Too much of a good thing (products and/or ingredients) is not good. It does not matter what is theoretically possible or proven, because it has not been tested on you.
There are skins that thrive with a plethora of strong actives. There are skins on the opposite spectrum. And there is everywhere in between.
I know how it is like to have exhausted every option. When you’re not seeing progress despite everything you’ve used, your skin is overloaded and craves compatibility.
If you’ve had enough of trying, this is it. Nothing is made like this.