3 ways to supercharge your skincare now

So you’re already consistently using what’s best (most compatible) for you, eating/sleeping/life-styling well, but still not happy with your skin?
Doing all things of the same level eventually gives a ‘plateau effect’. This is probably why some people believe changing up products is good. However, for reactive/problematic skins, experimenting and switching products frequently is counterproductive. Besides, we get limited results when we address an issue from one perspective (in this case, with products).
How can we improve our skin in other ways? Here are 3 things will supercharge your skincare. They are all simple, free and available to you right now.
1. Hold Focus of Awareness
Slip slap slop is mindless application. We don’t want to be on autopilot with our routine. Whatever you are doing, focus on what your product is doing when using it.
For example, when cleansing, bring your attention on how the circular motions dislodge all impurities; when exfoliating keep in mind how the excess hardened skin cells are now removed etc.
If you do not know what your products should be doing, find out (from a reliable source..!). However, if information is coming out of your ears yet you’re still unclear, your routine has many products.
2. Deep oxygenation
Oxygen is imperative for not just survival, but optimal function of our entire body including the skin. The quickest way to oxygenate is with our breath, as we were designed.
The way we breathe affects the amount of air/oxygen we intake, which in turn affects how much oxygen our organs get. As babies we naturally breathed in and out of our bellies. In adulthood, consistently dealing with some level of stress (adrenaline) causes us to default into shallow breathing – confined to the lungs with short and frequent breaths.
We can undo this default (unconscious) way of shallow breathing by consciously taking deeper breaths in and out of our belly, or diaphragm, and slowing down the rate of breathing. When you inhale, slowly take in as much air as you can deep into the belly, allowing the belly to fully expand. During exhale, gradually let the air out of your belly as it deflates. Repeat.
Deep oxygenation of our body is the most effective way to maintain well-being, youth and vitality for we breathe 247 – much more frequently than what we can ever do, eat or apply.
3. Contemplate how your skin holds you in place.
We find it easy to see all the things wrong with our skin, but we rarely acknowledge everything else that our skin is already doing brilliantly.
Our skin literally holds us together in place. It allows us to physically operate (liquid without a cup…), protects us from countless invisible microbes and adapts to our environment to make us more comfortable (hello sweat) every single day.
Frequent contemplation on what our skin is already doing for us unconditionally instead of fixating on what’s wrong, shifts us into a different relationship with our skin – one of true gratitude. What you give is what you get. Eventually this appreciation will be reciprocated, often in surprising ways.
That is it! The only catch, is that they are not instinctive..yet. I’ve shared how you can start to incorporate them daily here. If you consciously put them into practice, they will become habitual and really pay off. Try and see for yourself, I’d love to know when you noticed changes!